The Confederate Flag

South Carolina has officially taken down the confederate flag that flew over their state house. It had been flying there since 1961 as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. The civil war started ...
by Communicado Magazine


A Williams-Sonoma Story…

This is a true story of discrimination… There is a Williams-Sonoma store in Washington D.C. Most of the clientele in this store is white suburban women and white soccer moms. I have a friend named Kia – Sophisticate...
by Communicado Magazine



It’s January, 2015 and President Obama has officially declared all wars are over and recalled all unnecessary troops back to the U.S. It’s been 14 years. Iraq and Afghanistan. Now there’s gonna be an endless stream of eva...
by Communicado Magazine



Where is the Nearest Pay Phone?

Stop for a minute – When was the last time you saw a pay phone on the street? At a gas station? In a Hotel? You haven’t because they don’t exist anymore… Dammit if I wasn’t driving down the street one day and ...
by Communicado Magazine


An Adventure in Bath Towels

When was the last time YOU went shopping for bath towels? I would venture a guess that it’s not something you even think about. I certainly didn’t, until I stopped one day and looked at mine. Then I started doing the math&#...
by Communicado Magazine


Taco Bell Breakfast

I have to take this moment to commend Taco Bell for their latest ad campaign. They’ve launched Taco Bell breakfast and are using Ronald McDonald for testimonials. Brilliant. The catch: Taco Bell has scoured the country for me...
by Communicado Magazine