The Road to Super Tuesday…

January turned out to be an interesting month for the Republican Presidential candidates. A correction in the Iowa caucus results and an upset in South Carolina. My thought is that we walked into February even and I feel like I...
by Communicado Magazine


Hikers, Not Criminals

I don’t know where to start with this. There’s just so much wrong in this scenario. I’ll start with the basic situation. Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shourd went hiking somewhere between Iraq and Iran. Maybe I shoul...
by Communicado Magazine


First Caucus, First Primary

The political process in the U.S. is somewhat complicated. Caucuses and primaries and delegates and electoral votes; Whew! And that’s the process just to elect our officials – once they’re elected, you need a full cor...
by Communicado Magazine



Islamic or Extremist?

OK. I’m going to tread into dangerous territory… I’m going to offer some possibilities about the Middle East. First, is there anything about the Middle East that isn’t dangerous territory? I’m having trouble findi...
by Communicado Magazine


Politics A-Plenty

So we started June with a quote from President Obama, “The private sector is doing fine.” What did he say that for. Clearly, Republicans jumped all over it, but, at no point were any of their retorts to the statement founde...
by Communicado Magazine


Left vs. Right

Another month of campaigning… another 30 days of, “Who’s on first?” The back-and-forth has hit a high – everything the other party says gets pounced upon, exaggerated and perpetuated. Isn’t that what everyon...
by Communicado Magazine