Habemus Papa

We have a new Pope! Pope Francis has been elected to succeed Pope Benedict and this is being reported as unprecedented. I don’t know that we should make as much of the fact that a sitting Pope hasn’t resigned in centuries a...
by Communicado Magazine



I got this question for Ask BA: Hey BA: What does LGBTQIA mean? I heard it on the Emmy’s and thought, “What’s the I-A for? AND, is it offensive to wonder when that acronym will stop growing? This is a tough one because so...
by Communicado Magazine


CMA/AMA: The Difference

I liked the Country Music Awards. I didn’t care for most of the American Music Awards. The fundamental difference between the two is: SINGING! I’ve made no secret of my disdain for modern music. I think it lacks originality...
by Communicado Magazine



The New Fall Prime Time Formula

It’s 2015 and I’ve noticed something about TV… it’s become even more temporary. To be more specific, it’s become victim to our disposable society. You will note, every Fall, the major networks introduce a roster o...
by Communicado Magazine


It’s a White Christmas at the United States Postal Service

I recently had occasion to buy stamps at the United States Postal Service (USPS). Sounds pretty simple, yes? It was not. What is to follow is nothing short of gutted. Get comfortable… I like to use the lobby kiosk at the ...
by Communicado Magazine


The NFL Lockout – Who’s the Biggest *Player*

I mean that in the most socially casual way… Because the exact details of the contract are not for public consumption, I’m not sure who – if anyone – got pimped. But, if you look at this strictly in dollars ...
by Communicado Magazine