Super Bowl XLVII

I’m going to start out honestly: I am not a Baltimore Ravens fan nor am I a San Francisco 49ers fan; I’m also not a Beyonce fan, so, this Super Bowl didn’t have a lot for me. Here’s what I took away… I decided to ...
by Communicado Magazine


NFL Season Opener 2011

First game of the season… The New Orleans Saints vs. the Green Bay Packers. The last two Superbowl champions. How awesome is that for a season opener. Especially after all the BS over the player lockout. But then the game...
by Communicado Magazine


Student Athlete Employee?

The suggestion has been made that college athletes should begin getting paid as employees. Not sure how it got started but, it is afoot. As close as I can uncover is that Northwestern football players petitioned the National La...
by Communicado Magazine