Author Archive


A Special Politics Edition: It’s Time to Vote!

This is likely my last post before the actual general election, so, I want to make this count. I recently heard someone say this is the most partisan election they’ve witnessed in their entire life. I would agree with that. H...
by Communicado Magazine


Newman’s Own Pizzas

I like pizza, but, I don’t love it. I find it interesting when I talk to people who say they could eat pizza everyday of their lives and be really happy. Not me. I remember back to my days in college. We’d decide to get fan...
by Communicado Magazine


Saints vs. Colts: Re-match of Super Bowl XLIV

This is not how it went down the first time… Same outcome, different details. 62-7. WTF. I said I thought this season was going to be an exercise in extremes. Extremes it is… I really feel for the Colts. They’re j...
by Communicado Magazine



The Debate Over the Economy

I have made a point not to write about the debt ceiling or the national debt or the shenanigans of our national elected officials until today, August 2, 2011. Why? Because I knew they would string this out until the last minute...
by Communicado Magazine


And the Academy Award for Best Picture goes to…

La La Light/MoonLand… 🙂 A few years ago, I decided to write about the Oscars in hindsight instead of making predictions. We’re gonna make this our standard at Communicado – it just feels better. Jimmy Kimmel was th...
by Communicado Magazine


Modern Music

I’ve always been really into music, but, lately, I’ve just been listening to my old stuff. I’m just not clicking with the artist of today; They all sound the same to me… They’re all trying to mimic someone else an...
by Communicado Magazine