The Debate Over the Economy

I have made a point not to write about the debt ceiling or the national debt or the shenanigans of our national elected officials until today, August 2, 2011. Why? Because I knew they would string this out until the last minute...
by Communicado Magazine


No More NASA?

OKAY, I’m being overly dramatic. NASA is not actually going away, just the space program. But, that’s not clear in the way it’s being reported in the news. The news filter is clearly clogged. Important details are not mak...
by Communicado Magazine


Ocean Spray Cranberry

I’ve been drinking Ocean Spray Cranberry combinations since I was in college. Not just as a casual consumer – I’m a loyal, committed consumer. I’ve tried every Cranberry combination; Cran*Apple, Cran*Grape, Can*Cher...
by Communicado Magazine



Politics A-Plenty

So we started June with a quote from President Obama, “The private sector is doing fine.” What did he say that for. Clearly, Republicans jumped all over it, but, at no point were any of their retorts to the statement founde...
by Communicado Magazine


A Public Servant

I have vowed not to write about the next presidential election until January, 2016. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it… But, because the presidential election cycle seems to begin earlier and earlier each time, th...
by Communicado Magazine


The Fiscal Cliff Averted?

So we basically parachuted off the cliff and landed to safety. However, we’re currently tangled in the parachute and patiently waiting for the instructors to get us out. How’s that for an analogy? The biggest hurdle our ele...
by Communicado Magazine