Taco Bell Breakfast

I have to take this moment to commend Taco Bell for their latest ad campaign. They’ve launched Taco Bell breakfast and are using Ronald McDonald for testimonials. Brilliant. The catch: Taco Bell has scoured the country for me...
by Communicado Magazine


Trickle-Down Economics

I’ve wanted to write about trickle-down economics since the last general election, but, I was having trouble figuring out how to do so without incensing liberals and supporting conservatives. Well, I’m a journalist, so,...
by Communicado Magazine


The Road to Super Tuesday…

January turned out to be an interesting month for the Republican Presidential candidates. A correction in the Iowa caucus results and an upset in South Carolina. My thought is that we walked into February even and I feel like I...
by Communicado Magazine



Facebook’s True Value…

FACEBOOK IS A FLOP ON WALL STREET! For those of you who are surprised, you weren’t thinking about it correctly. From a strictly business perspective, it make sense that Facebook would not do well because collecting friends is...
by Communicado Magazine


Let There Be Light

I recently had to buy light bulbs. If you’re thinking that’s not really a topic for discussion, you haven’t bought light bulbs recently… Do you know the difference between Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent, LED and Halo...
by Communicado Magazine


It’s Actually Not a Dollar…

Did you know that all dollar stores don’t sell item exclusively for a dollar? Like most consumers, it is natural to believe that a store with the word DOLLAR in its name means everything is a dollar. But it really means every...
by Communicado Magazine